VRDays Europe raced to become a leading XR tech festival worldwide. 2020 was a year of innovate or die; every event on the planet had to redefine.
VRDays had to prove the impact of immersive tech and reinvent itself. Now, more than ever.
The concept of the 6th Edition is built on the objective of VRDays Europe to become the leading immersive tech festival worldwide.
2k20 changed the game and made us think bold. Bearing upon the energy of the mission 'to unite the XR community' and sharping it with the objective of the organisation, we turned the story the 6th New Horizons edition into a brand strategy that raised excitement and union now, while loyalty on long run.
The magic of the content strategy lays in the second part of the mission 'to inspire creative minds'.
We created a large spectrum of content directions: podcasts, engaging social media, segmented newsletters, video teasers & tutorials, public pre-made communication kits and personalized banners.